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How to target, engage and enchant Snapchat users.

From Snaps to Sales: The Art of Targeting, Engaging, and Enchanting on Snapchat

In the realm of Snapchat Ads, creativity meets strategy, and your brand can captivate audiences in seconds. Unleash your marketing potential as we guide you through targeting, engaging, and enchanting Snapchat users. Get ready to turn snaps into sales and conquer the Snapchat kingdom with your brand’s magic.


Below are outlined some steps & tips to help you on your Snap journey:


Create your profile

Create your personal Snapchat account & create a free Public Profile and business account for your business.


Choose your main objective

Determine what you want to achieve based on the Snapchat marketing funnel and your advertising goals.


Define your budget and audience

Establish your initial ad investment and who you want to reach. View estimated results and control spend limits.


Customize your ad creative

Combine a video or image with a headline and a CTA to capture attention and inspire action.


Optimize for mobile

Keep in mind that Snapchat is primarily a mobile app, so it’s crucial to optimize your ad creative for mobile viewing.


Utilize augmented reality (AR)

Snapchat allows users to interact with filters, lenses, and other virtual elements. Take advantage of this feature by incorporating AR elements into your ads. Create branded filters or lenses that align with your brand image and encourage users to engage with your content in a fun and interactive way.


Leverage Snap Pixel

By implementing Snap Pixel on your website, you can track and measure the effectiveness of your Snapchat ads in driving conversions and sales. Use the data provided by Snap Pixel to optimize your campaigns, refine your targeting, and improve your return on ad spend (ROAS).


Experiment with different Ad formats

Snapchat provides a variety of ad formats to choose from, including Single Image or Video Ads, Story Ads, Collection Ads, and more.


Monitor and analyze your results

Regularly monitor the performance of your Snapchat ads using the platform’s analytics tools.


In conclusion, utilizing Snapchat Ads as a marketing tool offers brands a unique opportunity to connect with their target audience in a creative and engaging manner. It also allows brands to effectively market their products or services, increase engagement, and drive meaningful results in the competitive digital landscape.


Contact us for a free 30 minutes consultation.